Hope for North Brevard follows the gospel mandate to “love your neighbor, as yourself”, as well as the call to “love one another”.  Our goal is to promote this type of community development and be the redemptive presence of Christ to those in need through concrete deeds of mercy and hope.

How Hope for North Brevard can help:

  • Become a volunteer!
  • Lead the vision of our community “loving one another” through the Brevard Coalition of Human Services. (Meets 3rd wed. of the month @ the Harry T. Moore Center)
  • Serve as a liaison between existing social services and local area churches.
  • Support churches linking arms together in kingdom-minded service.
  • Provide leadership to the 40 Days of Generosity and Loving North Brevard campaign.
  • Publish a Summer Resources Guide with information about free and low cost resources for families in North Brevard.
  • Be a part of Church is One in North Brevard, a partnership between multiple churches in North Brevard coming together as “one”.