Youth Services

The 2009 gap analysis from the North Brevard Coalition of Human Services marked “Youth Services” as the greatest need and the “breakdown of the family” as the #1 problem in our community.

HNB understands our community’s overwhelming challenge to care for students effectively, and the importance of reaching them early. HNB also knows that families need support as they take on the many challenges that they face.

How Hope for North Brevard can help:

  • Mentor & encourage the network of local youth leaders.
  • Help local churches work together to make a greater impact & share resources.
  • Work with other youth agencies and ministries to better care for “at risk” youth and their specific needs.
  • Lead retreats, mission trips, local mercy projects & community outreach events.
  • Offer consultations to local youth ministries to assess needs/gaps and assist in short & long term solutions.
  • Develop better strategies to reach the 80% of teens & that aren’t being reached.
  • Develop social service database to integrate local services offered.
  • Provide local mercy projects to students, families and churches.
  • Develop a youth outreach center to get kids off the streets & impact more lives.